A lot of the times we aren’t really listening.

Devon McArthur
4 min readMay 15, 2020

Sometimes all we need it so listen to ourselves… grab our thoughts and put them into action. Sounds easier said than done. Allow me, to walk you through the process and journey.

We don’t listen to everything that’s going on, we listen to other people more than we listen to ourselves, we listen to the internet more than we listen to ourselves what we fail to understand is, is that no one understands us like we do, like our own person does. We don’t listen to nature, the positives and negatives feelings that are given off by nature, we don’t go where our bodies are telling us too, we are too encapsulated by everything which doesn’t belong to us that we don’t listen to the most beautiful and perfect thoughts. We don’t listen to our feelings, for instance how often do we go against our gut feeling and something goes wrong unexpectedly. We are all travelling through time together but we aren’t listening to who we want to be and how we want to be it. I know personally the only way to listen to ourselves is if a switch flips in your head and all of a sudden you’ve just changed and you listen to yourself, time and sub consciously, and we know the only thing that resonates with us because we know ourselves and what we truly want and who we want to be and who we want to be at a time.

I feel like we listen to what we want to listen to, we choose to listen to what we want to and we have no choice in that, that probably sounds counter-intuitive. You know when you’re listening in a conversation with someone and your eyes glaze over and you have no idea what that person has just said and that person can see it so we sit there nodding along while we are both thinking how the hell do we get out of this situation. We fail to realize we also do that to ourselves I mean, when we start a new project or something and we have crazy motivation for the first two days and then all of a sudden its gone, we listen to ourselves listen to the end product more instead of the actual journey I mean listening is a skill just like talking, it should be the same with listening, if we listen to everything and every person that speaks to us, I wonder what we could learn, the list goes on and on there is so much we cold possibly learn and It doesn’t do enough justice we need to listen to our heart and our head, I mean when it comes to love, how do we know its love when it’s our brain sending those chemical signals, endorphins and dopamine etc. and which one do we listen to, does our heart even have feelings, we don’t even know if it’s the case, can your heart produce feelings?

That just goes to show it’s our head controlling everything and in which direction we move to and when to move in that way.

Have you ever tried to meditate and your brain just goes off topic and you don’t realize until after a few moments and have to remind yourself… yeah. We need to try meditate, nothing can give you a better sense of self than meditation and it’s an art, a technique which one needs.

It’s so hard to say look,”I don’t listen, I don’t listen to myself” as much as I should. I know a lot of us would aim to be someone better at the end of the day. But I think it’s just the how do we get there that is the difficult part.

So let me just give some tips on how to listen to ourselves better and everyone around us.

To start off

1. Ask for clarification whether it’s with ourselves or others, find the root and baseline.

2. We can simply make a vow to ourselves and stick to it, sounds simple, but if it’s a step that is rewarding at the smallest art, it’s easier to follow suit

3. Listen to what the other person is not saying. Find the messages he or she is not telling you, this will help you gauges the conversation and understand even more by grabbing your attention.

4. Listen to help, understand and support Especially with yourself.

5. Keep eye contact with the person and when you’re listening to yourself, keep eye contact hypothetically.

6. Be resent in the moment, what better way to not go into space with your thoughts that being resent.

7. Before listening deeply to others we need to listen deeply to ourselves.

A good book to read, about the self would be The Invincible man which is also considered one of the greatest novels of all time. Mrs Dalloway is a deeply personal book, which happens to also be one of the greatest of all time, maybe in quarantine consider one of these books!

Im not here trying to preach, i promise.



Devon McArthur

Passionate about people, thinking and living.I do enjoy a rare dose of photography as well as too many coffees.