How to Lose Weight

Devon McArthur
5 min readAug 19, 2020

How to lose weight fast in 4 easy steps

  1. Find your motivation , time period of your goals.
  2. Find an easy way to eat healthy food and cut back on the sweet stuff( after a break up. It’s a new skill you teach yourself) Understand what food is (Conscious of what you eat)
  3. Find a way to enjoy working out. (Friend, etc.) rest.
  4. Water/Rest.

Find your motivation

So, your girlfriend has recently broken up with you and all you dream about are those big brown eyes that could swallow you in whole and make you feel powerless.

Then go off and find a new guy who she’s actually been seeing for the past two months which you didn’t want to question her new friend because you’re not insecure.

This motivation is yours. In the beginning it will be used to get back at her, time and time again you’ll feel yourself too tired and depressed to get out of bed and head to the gym but you step into the gym, first day. Toughest thing you’ve ever experienced… all those people, all those eyes.

You walk on the treadmill for half an hour! That’s the most perfect start you could conjure up. You’ve gotten this far, and I’m truly proud. Fuel your motivation with the excess anxiety, depression and anger. Lift weights, smash your records, run for the extra 10 minutes… it’s only 10!

Few months go by and people are noticing you, asking you how you did it, and you’re the one giving advice.

Now you’re addicted to the burn, pump and sweat drenched shirt you have after every workout. You have recently been working your butt of at work in order to earn that promotion. When you don’t receive it but someone who has been working there for a few days is all of a sudden CEO.Then you feel lower than you’ve been for a while.

Take the frustration out and run till you want to collapse, lift the heaviest weights you could imagine and make yourself feel empowered nothing feels better and feeling like you worked for something and received it… you’ll get exactly that when you walkout.

Time your goals

You won’t look like Arnold in a few weeks and neither lose 20 kgs, but what will happen is, you feel better almost immediately in your heart, and as that happens you see yourself in the mirror and look less embarrassed and more proud.

Beat your goals, set more, beat those and the, set more. Be the best version of yourself, by the time your ex would have begged for you back, you won’t even remember the last time you thought of her, as well as being a general manager, you’ll have your own business.

Your goals align with your mental space, working out, will align your life, prioritize the important things and be better automatically.

I trust in You to get this far.

Find a way of eating healthy food without wanting to end your life.

There are so many ingredients and meals and assorted meals to ring everyone’s taste buds and allow them to have a party! You just need to make sure the amount of calories that you eat are less than what you’re losing.

For instance eat in a caloric deficit. Here’s a light meal that packs ample protein for an easy breakfast. Try and improve your skill of discipline in all aspects. As time passes and you’ve been doing the right thing consistently, the skill will get better and better.

It’s time to become conscious of what you eat, thinking about the nutrients packed in certain food. Yes a big mac feels so worth it after a week of dieting, but what will your body rather have and use to help you. A chicken salad or a big mac.

I’m not saying, don’t ever eat unhealthy again, and just think about it. Become aware. One beer too many and you’re already 7 slices of bread down. (One beer has the same amount of calories as 7 slices of bread) Stay away from anything that doesn’t look like its natural, packet of chips for e.g., doesn’t look like its farmed as small packets of chips on soil, manure and water, no, its packed with oil, preservatives, saturated fats and sodium. Spinach on the other hand…

Your plate should be 50% Veg. 30% protein and 15% carbs or no carbs, see how your body adjusts to it and then finally, fats, your body needs it. Avo, Olive oil are the best fats.


Sweet Potato 1

Onion 1

Red pepper 1

Bacon strips 2

Egg 1

Grapeseed oil 2 tbsp.

Lime juice ¼ lime

Scallions to taste

Salt and pepper to taste

Fresh parsley to taste


  1. Peel and dice sweet potato
  2. Coat pan with the grapeseed oil
  3. Sauté onions and bacon pieces — allow to caramelize
  4. Add red pepper and sweet potato
  5. Dice and add parsley
  6. Add lime juice
  7. As the hash cooks,add oil to another pan and allow pan to warm
  8. Crack and fry egg
  9. Top hash with scallions, season to taste. Top with fried egg and plate.

Find your way of enjoying working out

Grab a buddy and take up the challenge.It Also helps with a level of support which is often really overlooked when facing the daunting challenge of losing weight.

The motivation will be set in stone already as your partner has your back, and should be pumping each other up. It’s not easy even if you don’t have friends, take a book with or an audiobook or even a damn textbook when you want to study.

If anything it helps one soak up more knowledge like that anyway .certain workouts you can do while studying are walking on the treadmill, cycling machine as well as squats and ab workouts like crunches.

I know when I have anxiety or I’m upset, the gym and even eating a super healthy meal allows my mind to be cracked open and not let the small things bother me, because at the gym you’re really focused on what you’re doing.

Water and Rest

Fundamentally the most important steps in making sure your body can cope with the change. Drinking water will help with soreness in the muscles and reduce inflammation. Improve the quality of sleep and give you a simpler and easier way to work-out and achieve your goals!

Water is your next best friend, say goodbye to the good old Coca Cola or Mountain Dew ; say hello to the refreshing and healthy water that is going to help you . Try get in 2–3 litres of water every day. Watch the weight fall off.

What you will learn from this journey is discipline as well as work reward ethic and to wait… Patience is the biggest thing here. If you go on you will see results and please don’t make excuses. If you make a balls up, definitely own up to it.



Devon McArthur

Passionate about people, thinking and living.I do enjoy a rare dose of photography as well as too many coffees.